Saturday, January 30, 2010

Not all of our funny wedding dress and photo’s have to be disastrous. This bride wedding dress is not exactly standard, but funny wedding dress got and interesting color and look to it. Via

Are you looking for a new trends wedding dress, in Dutch trouwkleed, which jives to the new trend nowadays? Since almost everything in global is constantly being upgraded and follow trends in wedding dress, so as with the wedding dress that you would wear on the special day of you life. Today different-different styles are available for the fuller figure. There is a growing market out there reacting to skinny model so-called norm. Wedding fress color schemes explained by wedding expert. It’s a part of free wedding dress planning video series about questions that brides most frequently ask.Via

It has been a while since I added anything new to my Etsy store. I added a couple of necklaces today, this is my favorite one. Just in time for Valentine's day!

Friday, January 29, 2010

s'more bars

My sister-in-law just posted a recipe for s'more bars on her food blog, Simply the Best Recipes. They look sooooo tasty. I think I may need to drop by the grocery store to get the ingredients tonight.

I just finished reading Tom Sawyer, it was... good. I have to say, taking a class on Mark Twain has slightly disillusioned me towards his works. Huckleberry Finn is supposed to be one of his crowning works. I will be starting it this week, I hope the underlying message isn't as pessimistic as Tom. Or perhaps I just need to throw my teacher's interpretation out the window.

600 posts

This month marks two years of Paperwhite blog and this is my 600th post!

Some statistics:

The top five countries that visit:
United States
United Kingdom

The top five states that visit:

Some favorite posts:
If I had a garden
Fireflies also known as Lightning bugs
Around the web
Happy Veteran's Day
Inaugural Fashion
Etsy by color
Color schemes
Baby showers
Outdoor Ambiance
Rooms to love
Raspberry Coffee Cake
Around the blogging world
Chalkboard paint
Chocolate chip cookie pie
Baby quilts

Thursday, January 28, 2010

french fab?

I am wearing one of my favorite scarfs today. I love the blue and white, I love the stripes and I love how soft and casual it is. I was reading How to dress like a French woman on Garance Dore- apparently scarfs and stripes are staples for French women.

Birdcage veils

If you need a bit of vintage style 'what to wear in your hair' inspiration, head over to the Jane Taylor Millinery website. She has loads of vintage inspired treats for you to feast your eyes on, including birdcage veils and pillbox hats!

I have a friend who recently bought these shoes. Aren't they darling? I feel like my closet needs some.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I am so excited for this movie to come out, what a cast!


via design to inspire

via little green notebook

via absolutely beautiful things

One day I would really like to have an elaborate crystal chandelier.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

fancy belt

I love this craft idea from Martha, belts out of costume jewelry? I love re-purposing.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Is Marriage Eternal? When you will meet with your dream partner on your marriage day, that feeling is not described in words. An essay on the Mormon or LDS concept of Eternal Marriage. Via


Texas is among the seven states we are considering for relocation. From what I understand of Texas summers a pool is almost a necessity. My favorite pools are simple, I love the ones that almost look like a part of the yard.

Villa pool

New York pool

Hampton's Home

natural pool

rectangular pool

I love this Napa Valley pool.

images via House Beautiful and Elle Decor

via activerain

College town
Cost of living is fairly low
A growing city
Diverse cultural options
City slogans include, "Keep Austin weird"

Only one airline offers non-stop flights to home town
Only major sports offerings is the Longhorns.
Summers are very hot and humid

via fanpop

Median Property- $215,000
Median Family Income-$71,418

Median Age- 31.5
Crime Rate- (per 1,000)
Personal Crime Risk- 5
Property Crime Risk-61
Restaurants- 2,624

via austin parks and recreation

We have narrowed our list down to 12 cities! It's a good thing we still have a year before we have to make final decisions!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Here ends your journey of attractive & best wedding dress. Pearl Wedding Dress will tell you the best wedding dress & their features that will make you fabulous at your wedding day. via

The aspects of women are linked with latest fashion ways. Women are the part of stylish fashionable worldwide. Via

The way of wedding dressing is an essential factor for the wedding couples. merraige couple should be look gergious, gook looking, and elegant & unique in the marriage ceremony.

In the new & attractive fashion of bridal wedding dresses, the attractive cinderella’s gowns are prominent among the wedding dress designers in this season. These wedding gowns are designed with the metallic fabric which is the secret behind its astonishing outlook.

Friday, January 22, 2010

via canmag
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, I watched this movie the other day. It is out on DVD now, it was fantastic. I loved it.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I tried this recipe of my Aunt's this week, it was really good and not quite as rich as regular Alfredo. Plus it is easy.

1 cup of room temperature unsalted butter
8 oz. of freshly grated Parmesan cheese
1 pound pasta

Beat the butter and cheese together in a bowl until creamy. Cook pasta in a large pot of salted water, cook pasta until al dente. Reserve 1/2 cup of cooking water. Drain the pasta and return pasta to the pot. Toss pasta with 1/2 teaspoon of salt, the cheese mixture and pasta water. Top with more cheese if desired.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

wedding cake

via style me pretty
I love this wedding cake, the pomegranate on the top is beautiful.

bob bangs

I think I am almost ready to go short again. It has been a much harder decision this time around. I am not sure why, historically my hair has usually been short.

I am sticking with the bob, I love my long bob and I have always loved the short bob. They are easy but still stylish. The question is what to do about bangs, serious bangs, semi-serious bangs or side swipe bangs. Ironic, isn't it, that after more than a year of growing out my last bangs I am ready to go back.



Side swiped


P.S. do you love that they are all Katie Holmes? Nobody does it better...

via chik 'n pastry

I saw these marshmallows on Chik N' Pastry and I must say they have the most unique recipe I have have ever seen, color excluded. Cocoa powder and chile powder are included in the list of ingredients, I am intrigued to say the least. My only question, are homemade marshmallows hard and stiff or still soft? I kind of like the idea of a stiff homemade marshmallow. One way or the other pink marshmallows would be very fun for the month of February!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Retro photo shoot

Honeypie Boutique, purveyors of fine 50s style wedding dresses have teamed up with the fabulous McDonald Photography to offer one lucky winner a fab retro styled photo shoot in Manchester! If you're planning a wedding in 2010/11 then all you have to do to be in with the chance of winning is sign up to the joint mailing list.

Visit the website for more details, terms and conditions.

sunday salad

I made this salad last night, it was delicious.

3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp. salt
3/4 tsp. dry mustard
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
1 1/2 Tbl. poppy seeds

Mixed greens (about 8 cups)
1 orange peeled, sectioned and cut up
1 samll red onion, thinly sliced
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
crumbled bacon (I used turkey bacon, the recipe calls for grilled chicken so you could use that instead)

The recipe also calls for 1/2 cup of craisins and slivered almonds, I omitted these because I didn't have them and it was still delicious.

green gloves

photo via stylecaster

I saw a photo on the Satorialist of a woman wearing green gloves with a blue coat. I loved it, I think I need some green leather gloves.

I watched The Young Victoria this weekend. I loved it. True, British Royalty is a favorite subject matter of mine, but this really was a well made film and generally historically accurate.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

This is latest flexible & reliable prom dress designs, are you looking for a attractive dress for your bride? Than you must get the prom dresses designs which will give her attractive look. These dresses are also the choices of celebrities & manufactures are designing them with new fashion which can be designed for the Paris collection by the designer Tony bowls.

A wedding to most people is a most important & big thing and it should be; by all the rules of the game. However, these days a wedding is not all that important to people for many reasons. Via

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Isn't this a pretty arrangement? I love all the red!

I love these matchbox valentines found on inchmark journal.

Friday, January 15, 2010


I am still working on hanging my jewelry on the way. I found the inspiration in Glamour magazine, they use really simple hooks for the most part. I like the idea of throwing in some really unique hooks. Here are some fun ones I found in a House Beautiful slide show.

found via house beautiful

short bob

I think I am almost ready to turn my long bob in for a short bob. It's been a few years since my last short do.