Friday, April 30, 2010

on the grill

We are going grilling tonight! Our friend are hosting a BBQ in their backyard. Here is what I am taking:

via Martha Stewart
Grilled Salmon Steaks with Mustard Sauce
I am going to use the Mustard Sauce to baste both Salmon and Chicken

photo via chaos in the kitchen
A salad comprising of:
Brianna's poppy seed dressing
red onion
salad greens
feta cheese
turkey bacon

Baked Sweet Potato Fries
This recipe looks pretty simple. I have never tried cooking sweet potato fries before and I have only eaten them twice so I am not sure if they should be more sweet or savory. This recipe has a hint of sweet.
Any suggestions for fry dips?

P.S. don't forget to sign up for the giveaway!


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