Thursday, December 2, 2010

Here are some more screen grabs from the old homes movies that I had transfered to DVD.

Grandpop playing an old trumpet out in the yard. He was on his lunchbreak from the farm. Around 1961

This is my Dad's first car, in 1961. That's grandpop driving the car, with chains on the wheels, in the snow.

My Dad at graduation. He was in the first class to graduate from the brand new Deptford High School.
Class of 1961.

My parent's at their wedding shower, 1966

The wedding, 1966.
With my Mom's parents

Left - with my Dad's parents.
Right - My Mom with her mom and her grandmother

Our bassett puppy Rebel. 1967.

Below is me with my Dad and then with my Mom. About 1977. They used to collect antique bottles, which can see in the background.

Below is me (and one of my first of many, many attempts to grow out my bangs) and our Newfoundland puppy Bear. 1979.


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