Sunday, December 12, 2010

This week I made a vintage stock purchase for the website of about 50 pieces. I ended up keeping some goodies for myself, because it is Christmas time and I've been a good girl this year. First, I kept 5 vintage purses for myself. Yes 5. But I really need these purses. I mean, navy, grey and brown are must-have colors. And you can always squeeze in a few neutral colors. You can never have too many purses.
There were about a dozen hats in the lot, all in their own boxes. I wasn't interested in keeping any hats for myself, but I had to keep this pretty box with ladies painted on it.

And I kept 5 sweaters for myself (I decided not to keep the sweater on the right side of the photo) plus there is a black cashmere sweater not shown. I wore the aqua cashmere today. I love the shade.

Finally here are some glimpes of what I wore one day last week. I just thought that I was so cool because I wore a Spring green skirt with black tights - like no one has ever done that before. And yes, I'll wear open shoes in the Winter if it isn't too cold, with opaque tights.
Not only do I sell it, I wear it - Vintage - skirt, rayon blouse, jacket, shoes and pin. Stockings are the only new thing. And yes, I need a lint brush.


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